Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC)

Expiration Date Member Last First
12/31/2027 Johnson Jessica
12/31/2027 Moeller Thomas
12/31/2027 Thompson David



To designate areas as Enterprise Zones or Community Reinvestment areas and to execute agreements with certain enterprises for the purpose of establishing, expanding, renovating or occupying facilities and hiring new employees and preserving jobs within said zones or areas in exchange for specified local tax incentives granted by the county. In addition, to review all outstanding agreements to determine whether the enterprises are in compliance in terms, and to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding said agreements.

Establishing Authority:

Ohio Revised Code Section 5709.85


Each member shall be appointed for a term of three years, commencing the first day of January.


Harry Blanton, Senior Vice President
Alloy Economic Development
1776 Mentor Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45212

Phone: (513) 458-2230
Email: [email protected]