Elderly Services Program Advisory Council

Expiration Date Member Last First
06/11/2025 Berlew Randi
06/11/2025 Blackshear Angele
06/11/2025 Hunter Janice
06/11/2025 Mundon Holly
06/11/2026 Gage Janine
06/11/2026 Orlet Dimity
06/11/2026 Van Amerongen Susan
06/11/2027 Brown Viola



The Elderly Services Program Advisory Council (ESPAC) shall provide a means by which the views of the consumers of elderly services, the general public, individuals involved in the field of aging, and community leaders synthesize recommendations to the Council on Aging(COA) Board of Trustees. The ESPAC shall oversee the operation of the Elderly Services Program, address such issues related to the provision of elderly services in Hamilton County as may be presented by the BOCC and/or the COA, and shall resolve any open disputes between the COA and an Elderly Services Program client. The ESPAC shall operate as a public body in compliance with the Public Records Act, RC§149.43, and the Open Meetings Act, §121.22.

Establishing Authority:

The Board of County Commissioners and the Council on Aging Board of Trustees, Image 1312-1315, approved on August 5, 1992. Restructuring of the ESPAC Board adopted May 14, 2014, Vol. 334, Image Numbers 4472 and 4473, during a regularly adjourned meeting of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Hamilton County, Ohio.


Members shall be business and community representatives in Hamilton County with a demonstrated interest in elderly services and ESPAC service. Members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, unless otherwise noted. The BOCC shall select such persons for appointment to the ESPAC from those recommended by the COA or such other persons the BOCC may identify.


The first two appointments shall be for a term of one year, the next two appointments shall be for a term of two years, and the remaining appointments shall be three year terms. Thereafter all appointments shall be three year terms. The ESPAC shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair, to act as presiding officers, from its membership for terms not to exceed two years. Any member of the ESPAC who demonstrates a pattern of non-attendance at regular meetings shall be considered for replacement by the BOCC.


Suzanne Burke, CEO, Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio
175 Tri County Parkway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

Phone: (513) 721-1025
Fax: (513) 721-0090
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.help4seniors.org