If you have an upcoming hearing and you would like to request to appear via telephone or videoconferencing, please complete
DR 8.1(B) and DR 8.1(C) and submit to the court for review. The most efficient way to submit this request is via electronic filing. Follow this link to establish an e-filing account, if you do not already have an account:
If you cannot establish an e-filing account, you may mail or drop off the required documents to the Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court, Attn: Docket Office, Room 3-46, 800 Broadway, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court has chosen to utilize Zoom videoconferencing software for video hearings. A basic Zoom license to participate in a video conference is free. You do not have to establish an account if you are strictly joining Zoom meetings as a participant. On some devices, like phones and tablets, you will need to download the Zoom app in advance.
The Court will send you an email that contains a link. Five minutes before the hearing, click on the link in the email and you will be connected. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom's software, the following links will give you an understanding of how the program works.
For information about acquiring and installing Zoom videoconferencing software click here.
To learn how to use Zoom on a PC or MAC, click here.
For information about joining a meeting, click here.
For a complete list of Zoom training video tutorials click here.
Best Practices for Virtual Court Appearances via Video or Telephone
The following is a sample videoconference invitation in a Gmail inbox. If you do not find an email, check your calendar to see if the event is saved there.

If the Court orders a telephonic hearing, the plaintiff or defendant is directed to coordinate a conference call with all parties and then call 513-946-9101 to be connected to the assigned Magistrate.
If the Court orders a telephonic hearing, the plaintiff or defendant is directed to coordinate a conference call with all parties and then call 513-946-9031 or 513-946-9030 to be connected to Judge Amy Searcy.
If the Court orders a telephonic hearing, the plaintiff or defendant is directed to coordinate a conference call with all parties and then call 513-946-9024 or513-946-9022 to be connected to the Administrative Judge Anne Flottman.
If the Court orders a telephonic hearing, the plaintiff or defendant is directed to coordinate a conference call with all parties and then call 513-946-9016 or 513-946-9017 to be connected to Judge Betsy Sundermann.
Zoom Links:
Judge Sundermann Zoom Link
Judge Sundermann Zoom Personal Meeting ID: 211 053 1964