Personnel Policy Manual

The Hamilton County Board of Commissioners has adopted personnel policies and standard operating procedures that apply to all employees of the Board.  However, if a position is in a bargaining unit, the employment practices, benefits, and rights applicable to that position may vary from those included in the Personnel Policy Manual. 

The applicable collective bargaining agreement is the first point of reference for determining the practices, benefits, and rights of bargaining unit positions.  All collective bargaining agreements under the Board are listed below.   

The Board of Commissioners has established a high standard for ethical behavior among its employees. Learn more about the Employee Ethics Policy.

Questions?  Please contact the Human Resources Director.

Administrative Regulations

The County Personnel (Human Resources) Department, established under Ohio Revised Code Section 124.14(G) in 1995 by the Board of Commissioners, maintains the Administrative Regulations which govern the civil service responsibilities of the Department.

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Union positions are governed by collective bargaining agreements which may include policies and procedures different from those in the Personnel Policy Manual. Below are the collective bargaining agreements under the Board of County Commissioners:

Personnel Policy Revisions

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 07/02/2024

Section 5.2 Group Insurance Benefits : Updated to clarify eligibility, coverage effective dates, and enrollment in health, vision, and dental insurance plans resulting from various personnel actions.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 05/18/2024

Section 2.0 Application and Selection for Employment : Updated subsection 'C' (Evaluation of Applicants) to add 5a, regarding the constitution of interview panels to ensure they are diverse.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 05/18/2023

Section 6.0 Ethics Of Public Employment : Updated to enable the County Administrator to authorize the re-employment of retirees. Also, moved Section 5.6(N) to Section 6.0(E11) for better clarity.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 05/18/2023

Section 3.6 Top Management And Other Salaried Positions : Updated to accurately capture the purpose of the section that describes certain rules, polices and procedures that pertain exclusively to employees in job classifications determined to be exempt from FLSA.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 05/19/2022

Section 5.8 Tuition Reimbursement Program : Updated to make modifications that reflect "best practices" of this program.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 04/07/2022

Section 4.9 Poll Worker Leave (With Pay) : Updated to include one personal day for serving as a Precinct Election Official.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions Effective 07/19/2021

Section 5.10 Parental Leave (Paid & Unpaid Parental Leave) : This policy replaces Section 5.10, The Adoption Assistance Program of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.

This policy provides eight weeks of paid parental leave to female and male employees for childbirth and adoption, followed by four weeks of unpaid parental leave during which eligible employees can use their accrued sick leave and vacation.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 05/21/2020

Modification of the Appendix Concerning Vehicle Use Policies and Procedures : The Board of County Commissioners on April 2, 2020 approved a modification of the Vehicle Use Policy designating the County Administrator, or his/her designee with authority to permit county vehicles to be used for commuting to and from work for the duration of the declared emergency due to COVID-19. Requests shall be submitted in writing by department directors to the County Administrator describing the business need and benefit(s) of permitting county vehicles to be used for commuting to and from work.

Section 3.0 Compensation : Subsection “A” (Compensation Structure) to include #4 stating the County’s policy to compensation various employee populations that comprise the workforce fairly and equitably for the work they perform.

Section 4.11 Leave for Victims of Domestic Abuse and/or Sexual Violence : A new leave program that provides procedures when Hamilton County employees may need to take time off due to domestic abuse and/or sexual violence.

Section 5.13 Employee Wellness Program : Addresses the direction to the County Administrator and Human Resources Director to implement a Comprehensive Workplace Training and Education Program to Prevent Gender-Based Violence and Promote a Safe Work Environment.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 04/05/2019

Section 2.0 Application and Selection for Employment with SOP : Revised the policy and SOP to update how offers are extended, information regarding scoring for Veterans and to exclude salary history from the application process.

Section 4.10 Declared Emergency Leave (with Pay) : New policy created at the direction of the Board to provide support to the community in the case of a declared emergency.

Section 5.0 Vacation : Revised policy approved by the Board on April 4, 2019 and effective May 30, 2019 to (1) allow employees to use vacation when it is accrued rather than waiting for one year, (2) reduce the amount of time before accruals increase, and (3) limit maximum accruals for employees hired after the effective date.

Section 5.13 Employee Wellness Program : Revised the language in the policy to simplify it and refer employees to benefit communications for specifics. The new language does not specify the specific amount of the incentives, but they are not changing.

Section 7.0 Employee Discipline SOP : Revised the Policy SOP 7.0 clarifying 7.0(B)(5) regarding pre-disciplinary conferences.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 11/20/2018

Section 6.14 Preventing Violence in the Workplace : Updated all sections based on input from Crisis Prevention Management Team (CPMT).

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 01/01/2018

Section 3.0 Compensation : Revised the policy changing compensation practices for new hires, promotions, merit increases, transfers and demotions effective January 1, 2018.

Section 5.1 Holiday/Personal Days : Revised the Policy 5.1 adding language regarding the discretion of the Board to add holidays or partial holidays.

Section 5.2 Group Insurance Benefits : Revised the coverage effective dates for employees becoming eligible for benefits.  Eligible employees benefits become effective on the first day of the month following 30 days.

Section 8.0 Travel : Revised the Policy SOP 8.0 changing the language regarding the mileage rate, employees shall be reimbursed at the IRS Optional Standard Mileage Rates for business.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 07/19/2016

Section 2.6 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA): Verbiage was added and updated to keep us compliant with the ADA.

Section 4.1 Sick Leave: Verbiage was changed and added to keep us compliant with the ADA and with FMLA.

Section 4.5 Leave of Absence Without Pay: The Americans Disabilities Act was added to section A for compliance reasons. Human Resources was changed to say "the Human Resources Department" in sections I and L.

Section 5.2 Group Insurance Benefits: Section E.2.c was corrected and "Spouse" was changed to "Dependent" to stay consistent and correct with the rest of the section.

Section 5.11 Earned Personal Days: Section D. added verbiage to also include sick leave designated as FML, not just sick leave.

Section 6.4 Whistleblower Policy: Board Approved change effective July 2017 to provide greater transparency and ensure accountability.

Section 6.7 Telephone Usage Policy: Board Approved change effective April 2017 to amend said cell phone stipend for certain JFS employees effective May 1, 2017 to an amount equal to $30.00 (thirty dollars) per month

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 03/16/2016

Section 4.9 Poll Worker Leave: Per action by Board of County Commissioners on 1/27/16 policy updated and employee qualifications revised

Section 5.2 Group Insurance Benefits: Revised to bring policy into compliance with federal health reform requirements surrounding employee eligibility.

Section 6.7 Telephone Usage Policy: Per action by Board of County Commissioners on 12/16/15, cell phone stipend project continued for certain JFS employees.

Section 6.11 Drug-Free Workplace Policy: Language updated.

Section 8.0 Travel: Per action by Board of County Commissioners on 3/2/16, adopted per diem rates as set by the Ohio Office of Budget and Management.

SOP Section 8.0 Travel: Added instructions for determining new rate (Section E); Language updated to reflect updated mileage rate.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 01/21/2015

Section 5.2 Group Insurance Benefits: Revised to bring policy into compliance with federal health reform requirements surrounding employee eligibility for medical insurance.

Section 5.13 Employee Wellness Program: new policy

Section 6.16 Personal Information: Per action by the Board of County Commissioners on January 21, 2015, new policy created.

SOP Section 8.0 Travel: Language updated to reflect updated mileage rate.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 10/15/2014

Section 6.0 Ethics of Public Employment: Section E.11, correction made to section referenced in second last line (Section 5.6 Paragraph N)

Section 6.6 Telecommunications Policy: Per action by the Board of County Commissioners on October 15, 2014, language added to address the use of recording devices in the workplace. (effective 10/15/14)

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 09/01/2014

Section 5.2 Group Insurance: Per action by the Board of County Commissioners on August 21, 203 language was updated to comply with the Affordable Care Act (effective 1/1/2014).

Section 5.11 Earned Personal Days: Per action by the Board of County Commissioners on August 20, 2014 language was updated to reflect a change in the definition of sick leave (effective 9/1/2014).

Section 6.9 Smoke Free Workplace: Per Board action on April 30, 2014 language was updated to add devices such as electronic cigarettes and personal vaporizers to the list of banned products.

SOP Section 8.0 Travel: Language updated to reflect updated mileage rate (effective 1/1/2014). This was uploaded on the Web prior to 01/01/2014 but never formally distributed.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 10/01/2013

SOP Section 2.0 Application & Selection for Employment: language updated to coincide with procedural changes due to implementation of the electronic Applicant Tracking System. New job postings are posted online on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays.

Section 3.6 Top Management and Other Salaried Positions: definition of Top Management positions clarified in Section A.2.

Section 5.3 COBRA/Continuation of Medical Insurance: policy updated to reflect Third Party Administrator involvement in handling COBRA responsibilities.

SOP Section 5.3 COBRA/Continuation of Medical Insurance: OBSOLETED. SOP no longer applicable as COBRA process is managed by Third Party Administrator.

SOP Section 5.4 Workers' Compensation Incident Reporting: addition of Section A.5. regarding injuries from a "sharp" or needle stick.

Section 6.15 and SOP Employee Identification: policy and SOP updated due to Sheriff's office now handling the I.D. Badge process for employees under the Board of County Commissioners, effective June, 2013. I.D. Badges will also have an expiration date coinciding with expiration of employee drivers' licenses.

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 04/05/2013

Section 1.2 Definitions: Definition of "Retiree" clarified that it is in the context of Section 5.6.O.

Section 3.12 Alternative Scheduling: Section F.2. clarified to state that holidays are a maximum of 8 hours for full time employees and employees working compressed work weeks may alter their schedule or request time off during work weeks that include an observed holiday.

Section 4.0 Family and Medical Leave: Policy updated to incorporate recent changes to the Federal Family Medical Leave Act. Definition of "Covered Active Duty" added.

Section 5.6 Retirement Participation / Benefits: Section 5.6.I. deleted describing health care coverage offered by OPERS upon retirement

Hamilton County Personnel Policy Revisions effective 01/01/2013

Section 2.0 and SOP Application and Selection for Employment: HB 487 repealed requirement for the Declaration Regarding Material Assistance/Non-assistance to a Terrorist Organization (DMA form). Language deleted in Section D.1.e. and in SOP Sec. C.3.

SOP 5.0 Vacation: Sections E. and G.4. clarified with directions on submitting prior service information and how prior service for seasonal, intermittent and temporary employment is computed.

Section 5.2 Group Insurance Benefits: Section E. Plan Eligibility was modified to reflect the changes adopted by the Board of Commissioners on 10/03/2012.

Section 5.3 COBRA/Continuation of Medical Insurance: Section F. changed to state that COBRA payments are submitted to Human Resources rather than the Auditor.

Section 6.7 Telephone Usage Policy (and Mobile Communication Device Usage Agreement): Policy updated with term "mobile communication device." Original Section B. replaced with language in Section D. (addressing changes in IRS code). Prohibition of texting and driving added to Section C.

SOP 6.14 Preventing Violence in the Workplace: Section C.1 and C.2. updated with new phone number (946-1595) for JFS Employees to call to report violence emergencies during working hours.

Section 8.0 Travel and SOP: Per BOCC resolution of 01/23/13, Section G.6. added that employees are prohibited from accepting any frequent flyer benefits obtained during official county business travel, in accordance with Ohio Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion 91-010. In addition, Section E.2. changed to state that when employees complete and sign the Request for Travel form (HR013), they are attesting to the fact that they have a valid drivers' license and vehicle insurance. SOP updated with mileage rate which increased from 55.5 cents per mile to 56.5 cents per mile effective 01/01/13.