7/11/18 - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Open Public Forum
Hamilton County Planning + Development, Floodplain Management Division, in conjunction with the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (OEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has applied for a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Project under the major disaster declaration (FEMA4360-DR-OH).READ MORE...
Hamilton County is seeking property owners that have been repetitively flooded over the past several years including the most recent flooding which took place in February 2018 to attend an Open Public Forum. Interested property owners and/or citizens are invited to attend this meeting to discuss the project, ask questions and what steps are necessary to be part of the voluntary mitigation grant application.
The Open Public Forum will be held on Thursday, July 26, 2 pm at the Hamilton County Administration Building, Room 805B.
You can view the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Public Notice here .