Convention Facilities Authority (CFA)

Expiration Member Last First Political Affiliation Appointing Authority / Represents
10/30/2025 Czerwonka Lee Republican Hamilton County Municipal League
10/30/2025 Mallory Joe Democrat Hamilton County / Northern Hamilton County Member at Large
05/16/2026 Fambro Keizayla Democrat City of Cincinnati
06/22/2026 Bambino Bedi Nidhi Republican City of Cincinnati
06/22/2026 Bryant-Bailey Ashley Democrat City of Cincinnati
10/30/2026 Eagen Kathleen Republican Hamilton County / Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
10/30/2026 Hardman Kevin Republican Hamilton County / City of Sharonville
10/30/2026 Jones Baker Donna Democrat Hamilton County / Greater Cincinnati CVB
10/30/2026 Patel Bimal Independent
Hamilton County / Ohio Hotel Association
10/30/2026 Unger Dan  Republican Hamilton County / Township Trustee Association
10/30/2027 Hawkins, III Lawrence Democrat Hamilton County Municipal League



To implement the expansion, renovation and operation of the Cincinnati Convention Center.

Establishing Authority:

As permitted under Chapter 351 of the Ohio Revised Code, a resolution adopted on March 6, 2002 by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approving a finance plan for the expansion and renovation of the Albert Sabin Convention Center forming a Convention Facilities Authority and providing direct support to Hamilton County Communities for marketing and convention business, Volume 285, Images 4498-4503.

The above resolution was amended on:
May 15, 2002, Volume 286, Images 3075-3078;
September 25, 2002, Volume 287, Images 8024 to 8044; and
December 30, 2002, Volume 288, Image 4721.


A convention facilities authority shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of the following members:

Six (6) directors appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, which shall represent the following constituencies:

  1. One director representing the townships in the county. The Township Trustees Association may provide a list of potential appointees to the board.
  2. One director representing the City of Sharonville.
  3. One director representing the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Greater Cincinnati.
  4. One director representing a major business trade association located in the county.
  5. One director representing the the Hotel Association.
  6. The remaining position will be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.

Not more than three of the persons appointed by the Board shall be members of the same political party. A director appointed under the above guidelines may represent more than one constituency.

Three (3) directors appointed by the mayor of the municipal corporation that has the greatest population residing in the territory of the authority. Each appointment shall be subject to approval by a majority of the members of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation. Not more than two of the persons appointed under this division shall be members of the same political party.

Two (2) directors appointed by agreement of the mayors of the remaining municipal corporations located within the county in such manner as the board of county commissioners directs in the authorizing resolution. The persons appointed under this division shall not be members of the same political party.

Each director shall have been a qualified elector of, or shall have had his business or place of employment in the county creating the authority for a period of at least three years next preceding his appointment.


The directors first appointed shall serve staggered terms, as set forth in the authorizing resolution of the board of county commissioners. Thereafter, each successor shall serve for a term of four years, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed to only the unexpired term. Any director is eligible for reappointment.


Each director shall be entitled to receive from the authority reimbursement for reasonable expenses in the performance of his duties. The BOCC may fix the compensation of the directors or determine that they shall serve without compensation.


Jeff Aluotto, County Administrator
138 E. Court Street, Room 603
Cincinnati, OH  45202

Phone: (513) 946-4436
Mobile: (513) 946-7505
Fax: (513) 946-4330



Meeting Minutes

Date Documents  
08/16/2024 Minutes  
02/27/2024 Minutes  
11/17/2023 Minutes  
09/15/2023 Minutes  
04/28/2023 Minutes  
02/24/2023 Minutes  
11/18/2022 Minutes  
06/23/2022 Minutes  
03/11/2022 Minutes  
09/10/2021 Minutes  
06/30/2021 Minutes  
03/19/2021 Minutes  
11/13/2020 Minutes  
09/25/2020 Minutes  
05/15/2020 Minutes  
03/06/2020 Minutes  
01/24/2020 Minutes  
12/06/2019 Minutes   
11/08/2019 Minutes   
08/13/2019 Minutes 
06/26/2019 Minutes 
05/28/2019 Minutes 
03/15/2019 Minutes   
09/07/2018 Minutes 
05/29/2018 Minutes 
05/22/2018 Minutes 
03/02/2018 Minutes
12/01/2017    Audio
09/08/2017 Minutes Audio
03/10/2017 Minutes Audio
12/02/2016 Minutes Audio
9/23/2016 Minutes Audio
3/18/2016 Minutes Audio
12/18/2015 Minutes Audio
9/18/2015   Audio
3/13/2015 Minutes Audio
12/8/2014 Minutes  
7/29/2014 Minutes  
3/28/2014 Minutes  
6/7/2013 Minutes  
3/22/2013 Minutes