The OneOhio Settlement distributes funding among three categories: State Share (15%), Direct payments to Local Government (30%), and the OneOhio Foundation Board (55%). Over the next 18 years, Hamilton County anticipates a Direct Payment totaling $11,796,586, with $1,639,591.55 received in 2023 and an additional $1,006,832.08 for 2024.


2023 Overview:

In 2023, the allocated funds have been strategically channeled into diverse initiatives, spanning the hiring of an Addiction Coordinator in the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, CARE Pods startup costs, community-based outreach, church partnerships, medical services, administrative support, increased treatment funding, and robust data tracking. To ensure targeted distribution, the County has categorized disbursement into three categories: $820,000 allocated through RFPs, $587,000 via MOUs, and an internal reserve of $230,000 for operations and projects yet to be determined, reflecting a flexible approach to emerging priorities. 


The RFP process began with the release of RFPs on June 5th, based on the OneOhio Region 2 Grant Application, and concluded with conferences and final proposals due by July 31st. An internal committee reviewed 17 applications, totaling $2,483,442.21. Projects selected aligned closely with RFP criteria, including diversity, equity, and inclusion goals, with funded projects strategically chosen to enhance prevention, recovery housing, and workforce capacity.



Through MOUs, Hamilton County allocated funding to key projects addressing distinct aspects of community well-being. The CARE Pods Start Up, Medicaid Redetermination, African American Engagement Workgroup, HCPH SAFE Services Primary Care, and Xylazine Wound Care Kits collectively contribute to a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to community health. 


Certain projects have been designated for internal operations or await specific project details, including the OneOhio Administration, 513 Relief Bus Navigator, Criminal Justice Involved Persons, and Harm Reduction initiatives. These projects, supported by allocations totaling $230,000.

2024 Overview: 

Looking ahead to 2024, the Hamilton County Office of Addiction Response, following the collection of community input and the review of 88 survey responses, has advanced seven abatement strategies for the consideration of the Board of County Commissioners. These include Treatment, Criminal Justice Involved Persons, Services for Children, Leadership, Planning, and Coordination, Prevent Over-Prescribing of Opioids, Prevent Overdose Deaths (Harm Reduction), and Stigma Reduction, Training, and Education. The Administration is in the process of collaborating with each Board office to incorporate these recommendations into the 2024 Recommended Budget.